Accountability-as-a-Service: The Missing Piece to Online Education
MOOCs have famously low completion rates, with estimates ranging from 3 to 10%. AaaS solves this problem by providing accountability, and often in disguise.
The True Value of Coding Bootcamps
Hint: It isn't education.
Deploying Django Channels on DigitalOcean App Platform
This tutorial focuses on the ASGI-specific elements of the deployment process for Django on DigitalOcean's App Platform.
3 Things I Learnt From My 8 Month Research Internship
I conducted research under the mentorship of professors and PhD candidates. Here are some lessons I learnt along the way.
How to Teach Yourself Coding
How I dealt with procrastination and tutorial hell as a self-learner.
Why Adblocking Is So Problematic
How impacted publishers can deal with adblocking and what we should do about this.
Designing MenuCarlo's Backend Architecture
MenuCarlo is an open-source web app which helps F&B owners optimize their menus by analyzing their past customer transactions.